
الثلاثاء، نوفمبر 11، 2014

Global Youth Ambassador speaks at WISE Summit 2014 in Doha, Qatar

During 4-6 November 2014 , Qatar Foundation host its 5th World Innovation Summit for Education - WISE in Doha, Qatar and attended by more than 1500 delegates from multi-sectoral base, which gathers individuals from all fields of the public and private sectors, who together harness their expertise in order to share solutions to the challenges facing education today and tomorrow.
The WISE Summit aims to explore groundbreaking innovations and take concrete steps to make significant improvements to worldwide education. 

The annual World Innovation Summit for Education is the premier international platform dedicated to innovation and creative action in education where top decision-makers share insights with on-the-ground practitioners and collaborate to rethink education.
Two of our Global Youth Ambassadors got an opportunity to take part in the summit and represent the #UpForSchool Campaign, where Our Ambassador from Yemen Mr. Sadam Al-Adwar has organized a Meet-Up Session during the summit with our Ambassador from Pakistan Mr. Qasir Rafiq .

Global Youth Ambassadors from Yemen and Pakistan at WISE Summit 2014 in Doha

The meet-up Session took part for 45 minutes at the Qatar National Convention Centre (QNCC) in the Majlis area, during Summit hours on the 5th of November and attended by 20 participants in the summit .
The participants in the meet up session addressed the right of children to go to school, as 58 million children are not in school.  and the role of young people in How can we get 58 million children to schools before the end of 2015 .

The discussion leaded by Sadam Al-Adwar , and at the End Mr. Qasir Rafiq read the #UpForSchool Petition in front all of them and invite them to sign it .
There was great interaction between the participants, who came from different countries to share their Ideas and give their potential solutions to improving education and to get 58 million children into schools and learning .
We also talked about A World At School, Millennium Development Goal 2 and what we do. we then told them about the #UpForSchool Petition. The support we received was enormous.
Even after we finished the discussion, some Participants had started asking me more information about our roles as Ambassadors and how can they get part and take actions with us and expressed support for A World at School.

Group photo with the participants after the signing the Petition in Doha

The meet-up session attended by Dr. Justin W. Fleet , the Chief of Staff at the United Nation Special Envoy for Global Education office .
It was a pleasure for all of us to have him with us and hear from him about their work and efforts to achieve the goal of getting more than 58 million children into school before 2015.

Dr. Justin W. Fleet , the Chief of Staff at the United Nation Special Envoy for Global Education

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