
الاثنين، أكتوبر 20، 2014

"Tunza Eco-generation" Environmental Networking Platform for Children and Youth

Introduction  :

Tunza Eco- generation is an Initiative social networking platform between UNEP and Samsung Engineering aims to raise awareness and commitment toward the conservation of the environment from the Tunza members.

It is designed to facilitate the exchange of information including best practices between members both nationally and internationally be an interactive and vibrant site presenting various possibilities to engage youth, children and sport organizations from various portals (webpage's with dynamic functions where children and youth are able to upload/update their environmental activities which will then go live online after it has been cleared by an administrator of the platform, possibility of working on documents and editing of the same can take place online; various tutorials between experts and young people; voting functions/processes on various competitions, databases for various children, youth and sport processes).

My Journey with Tunza ECO-Generation :

My Journey  started in last July when I read that UNEP and Samsung Engineering provide children and youth with the beautiful social networking platform where children and youth are able to upload/update their environmental activities which goes live online after it has been cleared by the administrator of the platform.
So I find a call for application for the 13th Eco-Generation Ambassador , where I applied to be one of them and I am lucky to get selected as one of the Ambassadors to Yemen for the first time .

Then Since August 2014, I joined this global platform and I started working, learning and interacting with other Ambassadors and member in the platform about different Issues related to the Environment such as Climate change , Green life , Biodiversity, Sustainable consumption and Recycling .

Through this platform we started working together to strengthen young people’s environmental awareness and engage children and youth in environmental issues worldwide.

The word “TUNZA” means “to treat with care or affection” in Kiswahili (a sub-regional language of Eastern Africa).
The overall TUNZA Concept is built around this theme. It is an initiative that is meant to develop activities in the areas of capacity building, environmental awareness, and information exchange, with a vision to foster a generation of environmentally conscious citizens, capable of positive action.

My  Journey continue where I have Upload my articles and reports about different issues and activates related to environment , I also got an Opportunity to have a friend from all over the world and learn from their experiences and have a knowledge about the environmental issues they are facing in their communities.
Tunza Eco-Generationplatform didn't not only improve my skills and knowledge related to my Environmental activities and Interest, it also helps me a lot to develop the capacity of my leadership skills and to support me personally and my Organization goals as well as it will increase my role in the community activities .

Tunza Eco -Generation Team :
 Since the first day of our Involvement, the Team behind this platform are available always near to us, answering our Inquires, guiding us in our work and responsibilities in the platform.
Not only they provide us with logistics information and guidelines, they also provide us with all the resources, materials and support we need to make an event in our communities .
They provide us with goods and materials that made it easy to us to plan and organize any event related to environmental issues .
They also didn't forget to honor and thanks us for the achievement we did, they always send us their thanks and honors throughout their souvenir box of gifts and certificates via their monthly events and quarter competitions .
Finally, through my 3 month experience with them, many things in my life has been changed. I started applying all the concepts and principles we learn in my daily life and share my experiences with other In addition to transfer a successful experience I have seen from other countries and apply them in my country as we all going on the same path and have one mission that is " to be a change agents  in shaping and determining the world we live in "
I am glad to be part of it and I am sure within the coming days we still have to work hard to achieve the goals and mission we take responsibility of it .

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