
الجمعة، يونيو 27، 2014

The Journalists and Writers Foundation Awards Grants for NGO Projects promoting Peacebuilding

Deadline: 30 September 2014
The Journalists and Writers Foundation (JWF) invites grant applications for NGO projects promoting peaceful coexistence through dialogue and reconciliation; fostering pluralism, good governance, freedom of belief; advancing social and economic development and environmental responsibility; upholding respect for human rights, and gender equality and empowerment and other broad range of disciplines.
The JWF is a non-governmental organization that promotes peaceful coexistence through dialogue and understanding at global, regional and local levels.
Grant Awards
  1. Project Grants of maximum US$50,000 to implement the project.
  2. Best Implementation Cash Awards:
    • US$30,000 – First Place Award
    • US$20,000 – Second Place Award
    • US$10,000 – Third Place Award
Project Topics (may be but not limited to)
  1. Inter-communal and inter-state dialogue/cooperation
  2. Peace education
  3. Pluralism and multiculturalism
  4. Youth, conflict and peacebuilding
  5. Early warning and conflict prevention
  6. Mediation and negotiation
  7. Post-conflict reconciliation
  8. Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration
  9. Good governance, rule of law and transitional justice
  10. Poverty, development and peacebuilding
  11. Gender and peacebuilding
  12. Religion and peacebuilding
  13. Role of media in conflict and peacebuilding
  14. Social-psychological impacts of violent conflict and trauma healing
  15. Development and peacebuilding
  16. Social media and peacebuilding
Eligibility Criteria
  • Applicants must be not-for-profit organization anywhere in the world.
  • At least one member of the applicant team must be more than 18 years of age.
  • Proposals can’t be made for supporting or advancing already existing projects. However applications can be made for upgrading projects to new stage, or to use the previous implementations as a model in different areas.
For more information, please visit Peace Projects: http://peaceprojects.net/

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