
السبت، نوفمبر 16، 2013

The Yemeni Jambiya _ الجنبية اليمنية

#Yemen #The_Yemeni_Jambiya #اليمن #الجمبية_اليمنية |

Jambiya is the Arabic term for dagger, but it is generally used to describe a specific type of dagger with a short curved blade that is worn on a belt. 

Jambiya is one of the tradition part of Yemeni tradition dress.

it is mostly associated with people of Yemen. Men typically above the age of 14 wear it as an accessory to their clothing.

The price of a jambiya varies between 500 Yemeni rials and 20 million Yemeni rials. The brand of a jambiya is associated with the material with which it is made as well as its quality and design.

The most significant part of a jambiya is its hilt. In fact, the price of a janbiya is in most cases determined by its hilt. 

The most famous jambiya is made of rhinoceros horns, which can cost up to $1500 per kilogram.

The double-sided blade of the jambiya is constructed of steel. The blade is stored in a sheath, usually made of wood , The jambiya also includes in its types silver work, semi-precious stones, and coins made from Gold .

You can say that .. The handle of a jambiya tells the status of the man who wears it.

The jambiya should only come out of its sheath in extreme cases of conflict. It is also commonly used in traditional events, such as dances.

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