
الجمعة، نوفمبر 25، 2011

Islam is my choice :)

My Parents where Muslim so i become one ... 
But when i grew and learned about Islam i decided to be Muslim...

It is a decision that has no question or mystery under it...


*- i searched for complete & unconditional love.... i found in Islam only
*- i searched for justice peace & mercy for all ... if found in Islam only
*- i searched for a country where everyone was equal ... i saw makka and everyone there was completely equal ... and everyone wearing no more than two pieces of white cloth ... the poor & the wealthy ... the black & the white together side by side worshiping one God ... 
*- i searched for security & complete safety ... i found it nowhere but in believing that there is a power beyond human protecting us all... 
a power which encourages us to go forward without fear and promises to catch us if we fall ... it was in Islam only ...
*- i searched for a way to have an eternal life ... anything that will make live forever and never die ... i found it nowhere ... but in Islam ... the promise that god (ALLAH) gave us that if we follow his way ... he will bless & forgive us and give us the heaven in the life after .
*- i searched for a discipline that builds life and never destroys it ... a place where material is secondary and soul is primary i found it in Islam only.

*- i found my mind and my body and my soul in a balance with Islam ... 
i found my happiness here .... 
with Islam inside me i feel home anywhere i go :)

Do not ever say i am a Muslim because my parents are ....

Islam is my choice ... Islam is my life ... Islam is what i take and give ... 
let the darkness fade away ya ALLAH....

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