
الخميس، يونيو 02، 2011

My Speech in our Welcome Party

May30,2011 - IUB , Pakistan

On Monday night Our seniors Make a welcome party for us as a juniors of BSCS 2nd semester as a traditoin of our department and we enjoyed a lot during the party and dinner and for that I gave the speech of our class in this party which is follow :

Worthy principle respected teachers, seniors and my dear fellows  Assalam-O-Alikom and good evening to all of you .

on the behalf of BSCS second semester I am here to welcome all of you in this party which have organized by our seniors . You come here from your busy schedule and it’s a great honor and reward for us .

It’s a tradition of our department that seniors gives welcome party to juniors .  It’s my honor/ duty to welcome/ deliver this speech on this occasion.

On 18th of October of this year, we started the first day in university life and now we are about to finish the second semester , during this period of time we deal , treat and make a brilliant company with them, by whom we have been learned a lot regardless the hard fooling which we got ,

 they have encourage and motivated us at every difficult situation hopefully we will follow in order to maintain the discipline and decorum of the department .

We appreciate that and pray for the better future for them as well as we are requesting  them to share their precious experience with us for the sake of our better future.

once again we would like to welcome all of you from the bottom of our heart to attend this colorful party here, and before I finish my speech I must quote beautiful word :

"there are not secrets to success, these are the result of preparation ,hard working and learning from failure”.

Let us all have a good time this evening. Thank you very much.

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