
الثلاثاء، أبريل 27، 2010

International Youth Conference on Biodiversity (Japan)

The Ministry of the Enviroment of Japan accepts applications for the International Youth Conference on Biodiversity. The conference will be hold in Aichi in August 2010.
The conference intends to provide young people globally with opportunities to improve their understanding of and participation in conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and facilitate building of an international network for youths and mutual understanding among them.
If you are chosen to participate, you will receive a round trip airfare to Japan and the costs of the accommodation are covered.
August 21 – 27, 2010
* You are between the age of 15 and 24 (as of April 1, 2010)
* able to speak and discuss in English
[1] Fill out the application form (download it here in word: http://www.biodic.go.jp/biodiversity/youth/files/form_e.doc or in PDF http://www.biodic.go.jp/biodiversity/youth/files/form_e.pdf)
[2] write three essays (typed, min 320 words, max 400 words) about the following topics:
- essay 1: My activities related to biodiversity
- essay 2: significance of biodiversity
- essay 3: what I expect from participation in the conference
[3] reference letter to guarantee the applicant by a relative/family of yours
[4] reference letter from a referee (not family, but for example head university, school, professor, employer, head organization etc)
May 6, 2010
Global Biodiversity Strategy Office Nature Conservation Bureau
Ministry of the Environment
E-mail: NBSAP@env.go.jp
Fax: +81-(0)3-3591-3228

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